Redefine Living

Building homes, building trust, building lives.

Who are we?

Redefine Living is about creating a home and a safe space for you.  Our services are designed to meet your needs.

We embrace all young people and ensure that we provide bespoke tailored-made, person-centred support plans to ensure that our young people have the best start to adulthood. 

Redefine Living aim to provide care which will inevitably change and transform the way young people view themselves in society.

Our provisions are serviced 24 7 with experienced well-trained staff to support young people on their journey to independence.

Information for Families & Individuals

Information for Professionals

Our Values

We celebrate success, no matter how small

We Don't Give Up

Our services are tailored to meet your needs

We aim to break cycles

We treat everyone fairly

We create a safe place for you